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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Dealing with a slow computer can impact your business activities along with other things like your day-to-day internet browsing and saving some of your valuable files like pictures. If you have ever dealt with system freezes or those annoying messages that report errors when a program freezes, it is time to clean up your computer and make it run faster.

Whenever you are running the computer, make sure you don't have too many programs open. Having too many programs open at the same time will cause the computer to run slower than normal. Another reason why it may be running slower is because it may have defective hardware or it could be infected with a virus.
A simple way to make your computer run faster is to disable some of the programs on the StartUpmenu. This way the programs will remain stationary until you click on them and activate them. Another easy way to make your computer run faster is to add more RAM to it. RAM is short for Random Access Memory. This is what your computer will use to temporarily store files to keep all the open programs running properly. Having too many programs open at once will use up all your RAM, especially if you use some of the larger programs on your system like Adobe Pagemaker. Adding extra RAM to your computer will speed it up almost instantly. Adding more RAM to your system will allow the computer to have more areas to store the temporary files, allowing it the opportunity to run faster.

If you don't have enough RAM, the computer will start using your hard disk to store the data it needs. When the computer switches to the hard disk, you will have problems. Memory blocks often occur here because the computer cannot access the hard drive temporary files as quickly as it can with the RAM files. Try to keep all your programs on RAM memory versus the hard disk because the computer will need to swap back and forth from the hard drive to the RAM files, causing it to work twice as hard. When a computer is being pushed too hard, system crashes will occur and you can lose everything. Most people can get by with an extra 1 GB of RAM, but for the internet users that like to have multiple pages open at once, 2 GB of RAM is a smart decision.

Several computers run slower because of the overwhelming amount of junk files and programs that are stored on them. Most computers will come with antivirus software, but if you download your own software, you need to delete the other program or else it will just use up some of the memory you have available. Temporary internet files (cookies) can use up a lot of your extramemory and cause your system to run a lot slower. Temporary files will clutter the hard drive and cause windows to run a lot slower. If you have a virus or spyware on your computer, you can actually lose control of your Windows system.

An easy way to clean up some of these files is to open your internet browser, then select "Tools" and "Internet Options". There is a section that allows you to delete your browsing history, temporary internet files, saved passwords, cookies, and other files. Deleting some of these files will make your computer run much faster as the system has more RAM available.

If your computer is still running slowly, contact an online computer repair service to help you speed up your computer. They will take a look at some of the programs you are not using and delete them from your system, making your system run much faster.

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